Dr Nell Todd

Since I could remember, I have always wanted to be a vet.  I grew up in South East Queensland and started pursuing my interests in animal studies after high school.
I completed a Bachelor of Applied Science specialising in Veterinary Technology and Animal Production at The University of Queensland, Gatton.

Having worked as a veterinary nurse in a country town in WA, I had the opportunity to work with all types of animals including camels, llamas, chickens, horses and small animals.  I have travelled and camped throughout Australia and witnessed the magnificent wildlife the Australian outback has to offer. I have also travelled throughout Southern Africa and South America which exposed me to amazing wildlife and motivated my ambition to become a veterinarian.

I began my Veterinary Science studies in Perth WA and finished the degree at James Cook University Townsville.  Upon graduation, I worked for a local Townsville vet clinic and then at JCU Veterinary Hospital both in general practice. I particularly enjoy working with cats and dogs, chickens and avian species as well as small mammals.

Addicted to the gorgeous weather and outdoor activities that North Queensland has to offer, my husband Shaun and I have settled in Townsville and consider ourselves locals.  I enjoy travelling, figure-skating, mountain biking, snorkelling, fishing and touch football.  I have three young kids plus a ball-crazy Jack Russel named Roaty and a loving cat named Finnius. Juggling kids, pets and a business keeps me very busy!