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Meet the Midwoof expert – Nurse Jess

PET MIDWIFE 2 U About the Service Pet Midwife 2 U is dedicated to supporting pet owners and breeders through the whelping process with professional, compassionate care. Our goal is to ensure the health and safety of both the mother…

Puppy Pre-school

There are many benefits to teaching your puppy to be well behaved at an early age. Young puppies are quite able to learn obedience skills, toileting behaviour and social boundaries. All of these things help make your relationship with your…

Orthopaedic Surgery

Here is an orthopaedic case about Bonnie: Bonnie the Bulldog hurt her cruciate ligament in her knee joint and needed to have surgery to correct it. A TTO (triple tibial osteotomy) procedure was found to be the best type of…

Dog Care

Owning a dog provides companionship, loyalty and affection for people of all ages and is an invaluable addition to families and individuals. However, it is important to find the breed of dog most suitable to your particular lifestyle and be…

Cat Care

Cats can make excellent companions and are wonderful pets. However, with an average lifespan ranging from 15-20 years, owning a cat is a long-term commitment and their needs must be carefully considered. Before you bring your cat or kitten home,…

Expert Veterinarians.
Professional Care.

Our skilled veterinarians, experienced veterinary nurses, and compassionate support staff work together seamlessly to ensure that every pet receives individualised and comprehensive care.

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